
This is the place to keep you updated on what’s happening with my books.

Weird Places


I get some of the best ideas for writing in some of the weirdest places. Does that happen to other writers? I suppose it does, I find my mind wandering in the funniest and most relaxing places. Lately, I have been taking a steam shower and letting my mind drift away. Maybe I am stuck, though that hasn't really happened to me just yet, and then suddenly an answer comes my way.

I have been writing some chapters of my new book and a couple of them weren't really going the way I had hoped. They just weren't capturing the moment or maybe they weren't exciting enough for me. So I hop in the shower and relax. Boom, it comes to me without even thinking about it. I run out, mark it down and later I look at it and say, "Wow, this is really awesome!"

American Horror Story / FX

This show caught my interest recently. A real live haunted house! I would guess it probably isn't for everyone because its a very scary show but isn't it so much better than those reality television shows? This show reminds me of some really good Stephen King. Finally some imagination in Hollywood.

Things That Go Boom In The Night

Last night we had a transformer go boom in the night. The entire sky lit up with an orange glow. Someone in the house thought it might be the northern lights, which were supposed to be glowing in the sky according to the news. Another one of my kids figured it was aliens, its always those darn aliens causing things to happen.

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This made me think of other things that go boom in the night. My son has been certain the house is haunted because he has been hearing all sorts of sounds late at night. The same son who thought the lights were aliens. I stayed up late one night to find this source of booming in the night and found the strange creature that was causing it. It's amazing what a hamster can do with a squeeky wheel.

My brother lives in my old house and has told me he hears strange noises in the night. When I asked him where it came from he told me the basement. Why is it all creepy things hang out in the basement? So, I had him visit the basement to find the source. I stayed on the phone in case the goblins got him. It was a squeeky wheel in the furnace.

Now my daughter tells me her bathroom is haunted by strange sounds at night. I haven't found the source yet but I am really curious about this one. It seems her toothbrush moves all by itself. I am keeping a close eye on that toothbrush and will keep you posted when I find the culrpit.

Don't get me wrong, I believe there are strange things that go boom in the night.

Nine Lives Update

Okay, so you're probably wondering, did George really write a book? Yes, I really did. It just takes time to get the thing published and I'm kind of a perfectionist, just ask my wife. I figure it should be available in about two to three months. I know it's a long time but its getting there. I've been asked by many of you to see a copy but the finished copy is going to be worth the wait.

If you haven't already, sign up on this website so I can notify you when the book is published. Trust me on this, the book is looking awesome.

Friday the 13th

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Who says bad things happen on Friday th 13th? I think of myself as a supersticious type of person but I never have a bad day on Friday the 13th. In fact, I usually don't have a bad day on the 13th of any day as far as I know. I met my wife on the 13th and today quite a few good things happened. A full moon today too, how appropriate. Well, I'll leave the boring stuff for another post. The next book is coming along very good and thanks to my cover designer Andy Carpenter for the beautiful design of my book. He sent me a teaser today which I'll post soon.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. May all your dreams and wishes come true and may it be fruitful for all of you out there.

Hey, not everything is scary! Just don't tell little Johnnie to look behind him. Remember, someone is always watching you, just hope and pray it isn't a giant snowman. Just like Don Henley said, "You can never look back." Trust me, 2011 wasn't that great but I am hoping for a promising 2012.

All the best,




Thanks to everyone for helping me promote my book. You have no idea how much it means to me and I hope to thank each and everyone of you. Karen, Matt, Robi, Charlotte, De (my wife), my Mom and everyone else who has forwarded my notices, thank you! No last names because I don't want to get into trouble (Ha Ha, all except for my Mom and De).

The photo above was at a U2 concert. I swear everyone had a great time. I guess it's just kool for kids not to smile. Yes, I spell kool with a K. I was born in the sixties. Peace.

The website traffic has really been picking up and hopefully by the time the book is available I can sell more than just a couple. Hey, I have to pay for the cover, which by the way looks fantastic! I am going to hold out on that until the new year. Until then, always George.


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So what makes an idea? I was just talking with my Daughter about different ideas in my books and this picture came to mind. It's blurry but I like to call it an, "Action Photo." Seriously, this picture is my oldest son standing on top of a garage in an alley in Chicago. Now you may ask yourself, what is my son doing on top of a garage in the city? Well, he's being a boy of course, tossing things at squirrels, rats and people—Don’t worry, he had his rabies shot and he was defending himself against my Dad.

The thing is, he was being a boy. It’s what we laugh about when we’re older. It’s also something that inspires me to write. Watching them play like that reminds me of things I used to do as a kid and it brings ideas together. Everyone has a, “Remember when” story to tell. I just like to take them to another place is all.


Some of the funniest stories are told at Thanksgiving. My brother now thinks his house is haunted because it was the original place of the, "Cat Incident." I assured him the house is not haunted by cats as far as I know though he is often visited by other critters during the season.

We had a good Thanksgiving dinner with awesome food and wine. The company was great as always and I was happy to have left overs this time around. Unfortunately I didn't get any extra slices of the apple cranberry pie, it was awesome!

Cat Tails


I've been asked about my ideas and where they come from. What is the book about and things like that. Most of them have come from experience but that doesnt make them real. Not in the physical sense anyways. I write fiction, meaning, it's make believe.

The idea of a cat having Nine Lives came to me years ago when a cat was stuck beneath our deck at home. After doing everything to coax the cat out an accident happened. I never told anyone what really happened to that cat and maybe it haunted me until I finally wrote about it. Looking back at the incident, I wondered what would happen if that cat came back to life. The answer is in the story, Nine Lives. © George M. Moser 2011